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Marta-Almeida, M., J. Dubert, A. Peliz, A. dos Santos, H. Queiroga, 2008 A modelling study of the Norway lobster larvae dispersal in southern Portugal:
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Marta-Almeida, M., Reboreda, R., Rocha, C., Dubert, J., Nolasco, R., Cordeiro, N., Luna, T., Rocha, A., Lencart e Silva, J.D., Queiroga, H., Peliz, A., Ruiz-Villarreal, M., 2012.
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Cordeiro Pires A., Nolasco R., Rocha A., Dubert J. (2013), Assessing future climate change in the Iberian Upwelling System. Journal of Coastal Research. Special Issue, 65, 1909-1914 , DOI: 10.2112/SI65-323.1
Rocha, C., Cordeiro, N., Nolasco R., Dubert J. (2013) Numerical modelling of the phytoplankton patterns in an upwelling event off the NW Iberian Margin.
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Nolasco R., Cordeiro-Pires A., Cordeiro, N., Le Cann, B. Dubert J., 2013 A high-resolution modeling study of the Western Iberian Margin mean and seasonal
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